

Randall asks WOODY, of all people, how to pronounce the name of a rapper. Woody, quite seriously, goes into the stats, the upside, and the potential fit for up-and-coming Leafs’ defenseman…Lil’ Yachty?

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Where Woody waxes eloquent about the Leafs' defense prospect...Lil' Yachty?

Originally Aired: July 14, 2017

Woody tells his story about the eagle he got with Eric at Hole #7 at the Marshes during last year’s Doc & Woody invitational. Doc then tells a story from yesterday, wherein Woody loses a LOT of steam.

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Where Woody waxes eloquent about his eagle on #7 at The Marshes

Originally Aired: July 14, 2017


Tonight’s recommended Bluesfest acts:

The Glorious Sons (Claridge Stage, 6:30)

The Headstones (City Stage, 7:30)

Live (City Stage, 9:30)

Filed under: audio, bluesfest, eagle, glorious sons, golf, headstones, Lil Yachty, Live, maple leafs, marshes, murder, story, turtle, video