
Want to thin out the guest list at your next big holiday family meal? Start charging them fees to attend dinner!

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Time to start charging family members to come to dinner?

Originally Aired: November 8, 2017

How many of you could pass the driver’s test again, if you had to take it now?

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Beware on the roads, Ottawa!

Originally Aired: November 8, 2017

A #TechTalk scam warning (they are doing this with Amazon, but also Netflix and several others).

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Scam Warning!

Originally Aired: November 7, 2017

Ozzy seems to be able to get away with things that would end very, very badly for the rest of us.

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Infidelity doesn't work the same for us all

Originally Aired: November 9, 2017

Take the $1,500 or go for the car? What would YOU do? El Cheapo’s answer might surprise you.

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Price is Right dilemma - what would you do?

Originally Aired: November 9, 2017

Randall is headed back to hunt camp for more disco music, muffins and sweet sweet sauna action.

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Randall goes to hunt camp: Part Two

Originally Aired: November 9, 2017

Who wants to be named what now?

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Puff diddle D piddle Puffy?

Originally Aired: November 6, 2017

Randall has a new dog. It’s in a wheelchair, and it hates him.

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Randall's French German Shepherd

Originally Aired: November 6, 2017


This one’s for Woody.

Also, here’s Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe falling into a sand trap to escape from Donald Trump during their golf game, if only briefly.